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Agent YAML

The agent pseudocode is written in a YAML file, alongwith other agent related info like it's ID, name, etc.

This file's name (excluding the extension .yml) is the agent ID. It is created under the studio/agents folder.

Let's see what are the mandatory and optional fields in this YAML file.

Mandatory Fields

The YAML file must include the following fields:

  • id: A unique identifier for the agent, written in uppercase.
  • name: A human-readable name for the agent.
  • llm: Specifies the language model details:
    • provider: The company providing the model (e.g., openai, anthropic, deepseek).
    • model: The specific model to be used (e.g., gpt-4o, deepseek-coder).
  • skill: The specific skill of the agent.
  • pseudo_code: The step-by-step pseudocode the agent follows to perform the task.

Optional Fields

  • sub_agents: A list of sub-agent objects, each with:
    • id: The ID of the sub-agent.

Example Agent YAML

Below is an example of an agent YAML file: