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Need for Custom Agents

Let's build the case for custom agents step by step.

Challenges with Existing Repositories

Imagine developers wanting to use LLMs (and new AI tools) to work on an existing repository. This repository will have established architecture, design patterns, and specific conventions. The tools need to understand these aspects to be effective.

Without this understanding, the generated code will be inconsistent, which is not desirable.

Custom agents solve this by providing contextual awareness of the repository's architecture, design patterns, and conventions through their custom pseudocode.


Developers often face similar problems in their work. For example, if a repository has a defined framework, adding new APIs will be a recurring task as development continues.

Custom agents can help by providing a structured approach to these similar tasks. Once a custom agent is written for a specific task, it can be reused whenever the same problem arises. This saves time, ensures consistency, and makes development more efficient.

Dynamic Documentation

Custom agents also act as dynamic documentation of coding conventions. When a team member leaves a company, valuable knowledge often leaves with them. With custom agents, this knowledge stays with the team and can be reused anytime. This helps preserve expertise and ensures continuity.